What color is your front door? Ours is B L A C K !
Here are the hidden meanings behind your door color:
We often use color to express ourselves—in our clothes, our decor, our art. And credible psychology has linked color to certain personalities—the feelings they evoke and what they say about you. That means the your front entrance color says something, too! It’s one of the first things guests see when they visit your home, so look through these door stain and paint color ideas to make sure you’re giving off the first impression you want to send.
Orange– You’re a social butterfly! Orange doors tell guests that you like to entertain, but also that you enjoy a good challenge.
Red– Traditionally, a red front door paint signaled a hospitable home. If you have a red door, you also enjoy attention and try to live their life fully. It goes hand-in-hand with entertaining.
Blue– Blue is the color of the sky and ocean. So those who paint their doors blue enjoy peace and value truth. They are well grounded and true to themselves
Gray– Gray is an indecisive color, a mix between black and white. If you paint your door gray, you are indecisive and prefer to compromise—giving both sides of an argument equal weight.
Green– Green doors suggest that traditional values lay within. The people living there are ambitious and strive for personal betterment. They’re also good with their finances, as green is affiliated with money.
Wood– Homeowners who keep their doors a traditional wooden finish are generous and down to earth, like this grounded finish. They are kind and sweet and all who enter will feel welcomed.
Black– When you cross a black threshold, you are entering a world of order and control. Simple elegance graces the style within and everything is in its proper place.
White– Just like the clean lines it creates, white doors begin a guest’s journey into simple and organized home decor.
Yellow– While it ups your curb appeal, a yellow front door also says you’re logical while also creative. Like the color, you have a positive attitude and may even be a morning person!
Turquoise– It may be a bit unusual but, but it’s perfect if you crave emotional balance, have big hopes and dreams and believe that anything is possible. In other words, you’re a romantic dreamer.
For the full article go to: https://pro.com/blog/front-door-color-ideas-and-meanings/
Courtesy of: pro.com