Selling your house for top dollar is not about luck or gimmicks or fancy marketing. No matter how you market a mud pie, it still is going to taste like mud. Getting the most money for your house requires a strategic, proven approach.
There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about how a homeowner can best get top dollar for their property. There is also often a trade-off between getting top dollar and what I call the “hassle-factor.” Netting the most money in your pocket will often require extra inconvenience, extra out-of-pocket expense up front, and being open to ideas that may require adjusting some of your expectations.
This book is designed to educate and guide you on some of the different things that you may want to do to get the most money out of the sale of your property. While there are no guarantees that you will get as much as you want for your house, these are proven strategies that will maximize the value of your home and help you protect your hard earned equity.